Aerospace Changfeng Medical Appears at the West China-Mayo International Forum Of Critical Care Medicine(2023)



Recently, the West China-Mayo International Forum Of Critical Care Medicine(2023) was successfully held. This conference revolves around the theme of "standardizing core technologies and focusing on annual hot topics". Well-known experts in the field of critical illness across the country and experts from the Mayo Medical Center in the United States gathered together to deliver information, share experiences, exchange experiences, discuss solutions, and jointly present a wonderful event An unparalleled annual academic feast in the field of critical care medicine. As a manufacturing company, Aerospace Changfeng keeps up with the international and domestic medical development trends. It brought high-end medical equipment such as Athena8500 ICU ventilator and ACM306 nitric oxide therapy device to the conference, which attracted widespread attention from many participating professionals.



During the meeting, Kang Yan, chairman of the conference and director of the Department of Critical Care Medicine at West China Hospital of Sichuan University, and his delegation visited the Aerospace Changfeng Medical booth for inquiries. Kang Yan and his party inquired in detail about the performance characteristics and product advantages of the nitric oxide therapy device, affirmed the intelligent development of high-end medical equipment of Aerospace Changfeng, and hoped that Aerospace Changfeng will develop more domestic medical equipment close to clinical needs in the field of critical illness in the future. 

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微信图片_20231226205154Experts and scholars in the field of critical illness from various places expressed their expectations for the sputum discharge function of Aerospace Changfeng's ventilator that will be launched soon. This function can realize airway clearance management during the respiratory support process. While ensuring that the patient's respiratory support is not interrupted, it further reduces the clinical nursing workload, thereby reducing the patient's hospitalization time, reducing the patient's financial pressure, and conducive to the early recovery of critically ill patients.


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